Here is the soundtrack to the 2003 inline game Rolling! Get ready to shred to the eclectic sounds of The Hives, The Von Bondies, Del the Funky Homosapien, RJD2, and more! This soundtrack also includes songs cut from the game, but mentioned in the files intended for the GameCube version.
T-H-E I-Z-M, T-H-E I-Z-M
All songs are encoded with RAD Tools v0.8i. 15 songs were encoded from FLAC; 32 are ripped from the PS2 version of the game.
Download contains an HTML link to a Google Drive folder.
47 Tracks - 2 hours 45 minutes - 649 MB
Type: Game Soundtrack
Version: 1.0
Genres: Garage Rock/Punk Rock/Hip-Hop/Downtempo/House
Lyrics: Explicit/Edited
Language: English
Source: Lossless (15), PS2 Gamerip (32)
Volume levels: ReplayGain +4.0 dB
DMCA Safe: NAH (maybe the Rolling exclusive songs?)
Audible Monsters - Knowledge is Poor
Beatbarn feat. DJ Mel and J-Flat - I Am
Brothers from Another Planet - Hey Mom
Del the Funky Homosapien - The Izm
DJ Qbert - Turbo Foot Clan
D-on-25 feat. RIP - Rolling
Dr. Chuffenstein - Rombostic Bimbectomide
Dr. Chuffenstein - Transpanular Pedalic Collision
Fingerbangerz - Rollin' Champs
Hieroglyphics - At the Helm
No One Special - Find the Truth
No One Special - I Just Farted
No One Special - Unlock the Door
Not Katies - November Girl
P.I.M.P.S. - Over Your Head
Piebald - Grace Kelly With Wings
Piebald - Just a Simple Plan
Piebald - The Monkey Versus the Robot
RJD2 - Chicken-Bone Circuit
RJD2 feat. Bluepring - Final Frontier
Rob Paine - Seeing Dubbed
The Art of Fact - 3 Days 2 Nights
The Art of Fact - Collapses
The Art of Fact - Demolition
The Art of Fact - We Suck
The Art of Fact - It's Endless
The Art of Fact - Yesterday
The Damn Personals - Fucking in NYC
The Damn Personals - Standing Still in the U.S.A.
The Dyslexics - Illingual
The Hives - Hate To Say I Told You So
The Von Bondies - It Came from Japan
The Von Bondies - Lack of Communication
DJ: ShOscar
Art By: ShOscar