Using reMAP

reMAP is a tool to easily convert THUGPro maps to playable maps that can be loaded into reTHAWed 4.2 and above. This document aims to be a comprehensive step-by-step guide to using reMAP and successfully converting a map.

Being a node.js application, reMAP requires Node.js to run.

Windows Users:

Visit the Prebuilt Installer tab of the Download page on the Node.js website.

Download the latest available installer and run the application.

Follow through the setup to install Node.js on your computer. Default settings are fine!

After installation, the node command should be a valid, working command in Powershell and the Command Prompt.

Linux Users:

Install node.js using the listed package manager instructions on the Node.js website.

After installation, the node command should be a valid, working command in any terminal.

Other Requirements

reMAP by design is more of an ease-of-access wrapper for other THAW-engine tools. In order to use reMAP, a few other tools will need to be installed beforehand:


SceneConverter is one of the most important parts of the reMAP tool. This sub-tool is designed to convert scene and geometry assets from the THUG2 engine to THAW's native format. Luckily, this tool handles collision, materials, and more.

Download SceneConverter from the nx-scripts GitGud repository

Extract the downloaded .zip file to a convenient folder.


NodeQBC is another integral part of reMAP and handles all code and script logic. This works alongside the SceneConverter tool to convert assets into a format that THAW can understand.

Download NodeQBC from the NodeQBC GitGud repository

Extract the downloaded .zip file to a convenient folder.

Tony Hawk's Underground 2

Having an installed copy of Tony Hawk's Underground 2 is highly advised! reMAP can and will use the game directory to pull missing models such as pedestrians or cars.
We've downloaded necessary dependencies we need to get started. Make sure that you've downloaded both NodeQBC and SceneConverter, and that they're extracted in an easy-to-access place.

Let's download reMAP.

Download reMAP from the reMAP GitGud repository

Extract the downloaded .zip file to a convenient folder.

Navigate deep into the reMAP folder and ensure that you have the following structure:

With the proper tools and dependencies downloaded and installed, we're almost ready to get started with reMAP. Before we actually use the tool, we need to setup reMAP's configuration file and tell it where our sub-tools are located. reMAP uses a config.json file to store settings related to the tool. By default, an example file is provided.

Navigate to the main reMAP folder (shown above)

Copy the config.json.example file and rename it to config.json

Open the new config.json file in a text editor.

Right-click the config.json file and pick Open With

Choose Notepad as the program to open the file with.

A Notepad window should appear with the example file's contents:

These 3 values refer to the tools and paths mentioned in the Prerequisites section above. Let's set these to proper locations.


The SceneConverterPath line is the path to the extracted SceneConverter folder.

Open the folder that contains the extracted SceneConverter files.

We want the final folder containing the SceneConverter.js file:

Click to the right of the Address Bar up top to view the current folder path.

Right-click and Copy the folder path.

Back in reMAP's config.json file, replace the SceneConverterPath value with our copied path.

Be sure to keep the surrounding quotation marks!

Repeat this process for the next 2 dependencies:


The NodeQBCPath line is the path to the extracted NodeQBC folder. Follow the process above for this value.

Find and copy the path to the following folder:


The THUG2DataPath line is the path to the data folder of your Tony Hawk's Underground 2 game directory.

Find and copy the path to the following folder:

Finally, Save the config.json file.

Map Download
Our first step of converting a map is getting a map!

For the purposes of this example, we're going to convert Skater1014's Shilo Dunes map from the thpsX website. Choose a custom user map that's designed for THUGPro.

Click the Download button on the map page and download the map.

Extract the downloaded map to a convenient folder.

Make sure that your map has a User folder with a .dat or .json file included! If not, your map may not work!

Converting The Map
Map conversion is easy!

Locate the reMAP folder shown previously.

Drag and drop the downloaded map folder onto the convert.bat file.

If done properly, a Command Prompt or Powershell window should appear.

The results of the map conversion will appear in the new window.

reMAP will say Conversion finished with no errors! if the conversion completed successfully!
Map Installation
With a successful reMAP conversion, our final map should be ready to play!

Check the downloaded map directory for a THAW folder.

The THAW directory should contain a reTHAWed-ready map mod.

Copy the converted mod folder to the data/mod/UserMods/Maps folder of your reTHAWed directory.

Start reTHAWed and navigate to the reTHAWed category in the level select. Your map should appear!

Congratulations, you have converted your first map!

With the power of reMAP, you can play your favorite THUGPro maps in the convenience of reTHAWed. Not all maps may be supported, and compatibility may vary! If you encounter issues or need help, notify a reTHAWed developer.

For more comprehensive information and documentation, see the reMAP page on the nx-scripts repository.